The Problem of Chasing Self-Improvement

Do you find yourself (like many others, especially at this time of year - January) chasing self improvement to the point of negating the reality of where you are right now, in this sacred moment?

When we do this, the constant focus on self improvement becomes another way of fixating the mind on something that is not presence.

The game of self improvement has its place. However, like any addiction, it becomes bottomless. The desire for self improvement is valuable in that it creates a felt and embodied sense of empowerment which is a powerful tool to move us away from shame and self betrayal by having goals, achieving them and thus feeling better about ourselves by building self trust and confidence.

But, it can also be : 1) a mask to the truth of our emotions 2) a mask to the challenge of sitting in the uncomfortable ones and 3) being real and OKAY with who and where we are right now without another destination of being driving our actions ✨.

Obsession over self improvement is the flip side to self destruction. Whilst it is a “more useful”, seemingly harmless & more socially acceptable way of channeling the addiction mechanism of “not enough-ness” it is important to be self honest enough to recognise that it is the same thing: chasing/grasping/addiction. This has a particular subtle energetic quality of contraction and of tightening around your ideas of what is not enough.

Learning to authentically accept where you are right now and to let it be enough IS medicine. It gives space and recognition to WHAT IS, and it gives what IS permission to be enough. This is not to say become complacent. You CAN still accept and love where you are while simultaneously recognising the potential for growth in a way that is not forced or constricting and is instead loving, conscious & truly self-caring.

I wish for everyone this year to make decisions that are truly a reflection of self care (which brings us into presence) instead of self judgment & criticism (which takes us away from presence) 💛